Professor Winston Liauw
Practicing Medical Oncologist & Clinical Pharmacologist
Winston is a practicing medical oncologist and clinical pharmacologist with higher degrees in pharmaceutical development and public policy. His clinical practice is based around gastrointestinal cancer with a speciality in management of peritoneal disease. He is Director of the Cancer Services Stream, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District and Chief Medical Information Officer of SESLHD.
He has been involved in research ethics and regulation and is former chair of the Cancer Institute Clinical Research Ethics Committee. Winston has published the results of clinical trials, cancer outcomes research, clinical trial conduct, the pharmacology of alternative medicines and surgical and loco-regional therapies for cancer. He is a lead member of the Translational Cancer Research Network and the Cancer Academic Group of UNSW Sphere. His other interests include medical education, e-health, supportive care, quality use of medicines and health related public policy and advocacy.